
Jun 10, 2010 20:48

Characters: Arashi Kishuu and whoever wants to bother her
Location: Death Robbins
Rating: G, might go up depending who tags in and what happens
Time: August 13, afternoon
Description: Arashi decides to stop by for some ice cream. Aka, mun decided she needed to get out more and meet new people.

Even though the sky was cloudy today, it didn't stop the heat at all and Arashi felt that all too keenly. Having some free time (for once), she decided it wouldn't hurt to drop by the ice cream place she'd heard about and get something cool to snack on for a change.

Still, she pondered as she studied the massive selection before her, who needed 88 flavors of ice cream?

Perhaps she should just go for something simple, like green tea...

mushu, arashi kishuu, raidou kuzunoha, luck gandor, neku sakuraba

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