notjustlolicon &
suchselfishnessLOCATION: Casualty Communal, then walking around.
TIME: August 12, middayish
DESCRIPTION: Rhode finally has Family in Death City, and they have quite a bit to catch up on.
Follow me down, out of this town... )
Comments 10
And either way, the first thing he had to do was talk to Rhode. Of course, talking to her was as much pleasure as business -- there was a real lighthearted eagerness in his steps as he came into the room and glance around. Once he's spotted Rhode, he waved and began to make his way across the floor to her.
"I've missed you," Rhode finally sighed, though she still didn't loosen her grip. "It's been nothing but Exorcists here, and they would have killed me already if it weren't for Allen and Kuroro and Mukuro--" She stopped, realizing she was getting a bit ahead of herself.
"Is everything going well at home?"
He listened to her talk, raising an eyebrow at the name Allen. Perhaps there was some other Allen... or not. That boy seemed to be one big confusion.
"Everything is fine. We were in the middle of an attempt to bring the Fourteenth back with us when I woke up here. Time here is odd, isn't it? You were there -- no one ever noticed you leaving."
Rhode made a thoughtful noise; perhaps she should have taken the opportunity get a closer look at that thing. It wouldn't do them much good if she couldn't control it like the Ark, though.
"I went back for a bit a week or so ago, and went from being a Meister to a Weapon, but time was still the same there-- and here, when I came back."
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