lord i was born a ramblin maou [OPEN]

May 16, 2010 19:24

Characters: vanvanvandarvia and anyone up for answering a few questions?
Location: Putting about the Shopping District
Rating: G
Time: August 6. Sometime around the afternoon.
Description: Yozak is on a mission to find the king, and an even bigger mission to get a tan.

Yozak had a theory that search and rescue teams would have a much better track record if they just stood still and waited a little more.

Oh, there was nothing biased about this theory. Nevermind how nice it felt to lean up against the brick wall of one commercial chain or another, just to listen to the unfamiliar noises while he watched the people mill around. Yuuri could be any one of these people, and that was the story that Yozak was sticking to, should a certain captain come around and see him loitering beneath a street sign.

Of course, he would have to get up and start asking around soon. Sometime soon, anyway. Not that anyone could begrudge him for taking a break like this, when he had just settled in to a comfortable spot against the wall, the kind that he would probably never find again. Long story short, Yozak would get around to it. Eventually.

conrart weller, yozak gurrier

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