Dec 15, 2008 01:54
I haven't been keeping up. Shame on me. If I hadn't checked Role-Playing Adventures in FFOnline, I wouldn't have known that Persona 4 is already out. So first thing that I did today was get a copy of the game that this early is being touted to overshadow its excellent predecessor. I quickly logged 3+ hours of game time on my first try, and so far the experience has been enjoyable. I really like the darker mood of P4 - if I were a fanboy, I'd label this as Silent Hill Lite. Good story and gameplay so far, though I do find the voice-acting having a little more manufactured feel compared to P3. The music has so far been top-notch; if this keeps up, it will definitely eclipse the P3 soundtrack. I still miss Mass Destruction when fighting, though.
Can't wait to get deeper into the game. That said, expect my LJ updates to be spaced more apart than it already is :D