May 12, 2005 09:35
so i was happy because i got checked out of lab early and on the first try so now i have 2 consecutive free periods...very sweet..and its good because last night/this morning i was on the phone until ehh 3 oclock ish....and i woke up at 6....which gives my approzimately 3 hours of i am so out of it....and i cant type right now...and yeah so its good that i have a long break because i need it...
umm gov test yesterday was pretty good...the multiple choice wasnt too hard and the essays were fine...2 of them are kick ass the other is decent and the last one is ehh...but i felt pretty i got home around 12..ate lunch...cut the lawn...then i found out the bad news....painfully worked on jess's surprise for like 2 hours...then i rode my bike to the post office to ensure that she wold get it today..first time i rode a bike since summer....and i rode up a near vertical hill on the way back and pretty much passed yep all that for should be gratefull jessica ;)
anyway then i had to help my brother with his project....then i actually did some work that isnt due for a week....then dinner....then i watched alias...called jess....and 5 hours later...went to bed... im supposed to hang out with michael tomorrow..that is if he doesnt decide to ditch me to go work or and jess figured out what exactly he might say to me:
"hello robert.. um so i have bad news.....being the insanely nice guy i am, i gave in and promised caitlin i would take over for her tomorrow night at that means we cant hang out.....
unless of course you want to come up and u can work too...if you want..."
but i havent gotten that we'll see...saturday i might do some work if its crappy out...maybe go driving....saturday night maybe hang out with seany if hes not working...and yeh....
9 days till i can get my license....thats super