
Aug 08, 2005 22:45


There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

- Albert Einstein

Space is all one space and thought is all one thought, but my mind divides its spaces into spaces into spaces and thoughts into thoughts into thoughts. Like a large condominium. Occasionally I think about the one Space and the one Thought, but usually I don't. Usually I think about my condominium.

- Andy Warhol

I have made this letter longer than usual, because I lack the time to make it short.

- Blaise Pascal

Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things - I am tempted to think there are no little things.

- Bruce Barton

If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.

- Carl Sagan

We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away.

- Chuang Tzu

Your eyes are always bigger than your stomach.

- Confucius

What is real is not the external form, but the essence of things . . . it is impossible for anyone to express anything essentially real by imitating its exterior surface.

- Constantin Brancusi

I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets.

- Dave Edison

I know up on the top you are seeing great sights, but down at the bottom we, too, should have rights.

- Dr. Seuss, "Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories" ( $ )

Our children go to school to learn to commnicate, and all the teachers do is tell them is shut up.

- Galleger

Life is neither a spectacle nor a feast, it is predicament.

- George Santayana

The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.

- Henry Miller

The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true.

- James Branch Cabell, "The Silver Stallion" ( $ )

He who can take no interest in what is small will take false interest in what is great.

- John Ruskin

Very few people are ambitious in the sense of having a specific image of what they want to achieve. Most people's sights are only toward the next run, the next increment of money.

- Judith M. Bardwick

You are all you will ever have for certain.

- June Havoc

In order to draw a limit to thinking, we should have to think both sides of this limit.

- Ludwig Wittgenstein

The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out the conservative adopts them.

- Mark Twain, "Notebook" ( $ )

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

- Neil Armstrong

Every positive value has its price in negative terms...The genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.

- Pablo Picasso

Two boys arrived yesterday with a pebble they said was the head of a dog until I pointed out that it was really a typewriter.

- Pablo Picasso

Perspective- Use it or Lose It. If you turned to this page, you're forgetting that what is going on around you is not reality. Think about that.

- Richard Bach, "Illusions" ( $ )

Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it.

- Salvador Dali

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

- T. S. Eliot

I have not failed, I've found 10,000 ways that won't work.

- Thomas Edison

Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.

- Thomas Sowel, "Is Reality Optional?" ( $ )

When they tell you to grow up, they mean stop growing.

- Tom Robbins

True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced. A truly stable system expects the unexpected, is prepared to be disrupted, waits to be transformed.

- Tom Robbins
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