
Dec 24, 2007 11:54

ok more crap going on in my life. 
found out the new weekend receptionist whom im friends with, or was geting to be friends with, is now saying crap behind the fulers back and actualy told one of the other fulers that she can get my DH fired! WHAT BULL SHIT!
so im adding her to my blocked list on msn, and putting her on facebook where she cant see much. 
so im a little upset about that. but ya. I have to watch out for my DH first, and all the fule guys are my friends, they are like family, and family has to stick together....

now DH is going to be home late and then we have to go to my grandmothers. for her bithday... its going to be intersting to say the least.  im not sure if im looking forward to it or not. so we will see...

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