Nov 28, 2007 10:01
The way I see it now. You can either get your facebook back on, keep being friends with those girls and keep making more new girlfriends, have your freedom, have your life, have your space and your precious privacy, but I will stop loving you, stop caring and become totally indifferent to you. Or I could keep caring and loving you, and you can start keeping girls at an arm's length. Whichever you want. You decide. You can't have both. If you want me to love you, you cannot take away the fact that I do not like you introducing competition in the form of you making friends with wildly attractive women that you get super friendly with. Because I WILL balk at them asking you to private parties they will exclude me from and you will help them exclude me, and at the idea that you prefer their company to mine because you're'friends' and you can't have fun with your wife but you can have fun with them, and I WILL balk at you taking them out to dinner or having dinner with them and their friends and them trying to get even closer to you. IF you want me to love you, I WILL balk at all these. And also at you putting your cell phone number on facebook then telling me those girls are nothing to you and cannot contact you, even though your cellphone number is there for ALL THE WORLD TO SEE. I will stay married to you. Because it's a commitment and stuff. But if you want your social life, I cannot love you because loving you when you're socialising with those women? Makes me go crazy and want to eliminate them as threats and apparently, you won't even let me near them. So, you choose and let me know. Then I can finally put this whole thing to rest by knowing exactly whether I should love you or not.