It's all in your headFandom: Linkin Park
when_i_pretendPairing: Mike/Chester
Genre: Drama
Rating: NC-17
Status of fanfiction: 2 chapters - Wip
Number of words: 6.714 (so far)
Summary: Chester and Mike. There's more than just a few complications to be had, especially when one of them is living a lie.
Quote: "Shards of the vision cut at me as I felt his hand touch my shoulder. This hand was real, this hand was hard, this hand weighed heavily on my small frame like it was trying to be a hammer and I was just its nail. He had caught my stare at him in the mirror, his brown eyes looked sympathetic, but I could practically predict the words that would come out of his mouth. 'I’m sorry, Chester, but you know that it wouldn’t work out between us, besides, I’m in love with Rob, remember?' You’re preaching to the choir buddy, I already know these words, but every time they’re uttered I feel as though I’ve been gutted and you’re just watching me, looking at me this way, just to stare at my beating heart that you’ve ripped out."
Your rate for this fic: 10/10
Here's a quote from
dark_red: "Awesome job so far of taking a cliche plot and turning it into a captivating story. I look forward to more."
And I can't do anything more than totally agree. If you haven't read it yet, DO IT NOW! *nods*