[The new communicators are really fascinating. Eve's already made a post with it, but was still interested in playing around with it. Unfortunately, she seems to have turned it on without meaning to, as she doesn't speak into it at all...]
Have I turned into something else yet, de arimasu? [Keroro turns his head around, looking behind him as if a
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[Did that green creature-it looks a bit like a frog-just turn into a ball?]
Um, is he okay?
[realizes she should introduce herself now that the surprise is wearing off] Oh! I’m Shuurei and I only arrived two days ago. [curious] What were you and your friend trying to do? Is it that turning into weapons thing I’ve heard mentioned? [She’d already seen someone accidentally trigger their Meister ability over the network so it seemed possible.]
Yes. [Sorry, Shuurei, this one doesn't talk much...] I was teaching him.
[She also doesn't emote very well.]
Ah. Did it work? [Shuurei wasn't really sure since what she had seen hadn't looked much like a weapon.]
...nice to meet you too.
It did. [Ah, now she's wondering what his Weapon form does...so curious...]
I was sent back home a while back, and I came back as a Meister.
Is something like that normal? When they said people could turn into weapons, I thought it would be things like swords.
[blinks in surprise] But I thought they said it wasn't possible for us to go back until the war ended?
Sometimes BREW randomly sends people back and sometimes they even come back.
It does that? This BREW thing sounds broken… [If it were, it might help explain some of the weirdness around here!]
They tell me it's normal. [The fact that she could accept that anything about this situation is normal speaks volumes of the life she lived.]
Well, thank you for answering my questions, Eve.
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