Aug 22, 2011 01:47
[when the video clicks on, it doesn't show the person holding the device, but rather the area surrounding her. It appears that she'd been recording for her own benefit and accidentally tapped a setting on the sensitive touch screen to make the video go live. The recording is steady and professional-looking, but it's not a long or particularly interesting journey before the training grounds are seen. This is when Paine turns the device around and notices that it's gone live. She frowns.]
Every recording device is different. It will take time to get familiar with this one.
[She pushes a few buttons, but when she doesn't get the result she wants, she merely shrugs and addresses the recording.]
The facilities here are impressive. Let's hope the training is as well. [then she kills the feed]
c: bumblebee,
c: vergil sparda,
c: auron,
c: rikku,
c: kujaku