Aug 21, 2011 20:15
i ARrrived in a stOne chamber yestErday. i reGREt to saY thAt i am not acclimating as well as i wish i Was, but it cannot be helped. simply put, i am not veRy used tO being alone. WHen i HaVE no roommate, it is actually a simple mattEr to understand wHy THe ChANGe HAs Been oVeRwhElming. i am mOrE accustomed to hearIng familiar voices afteR dark, and havinG the reassurance that someone BOTHErs to watcH mE wHiLe i sleep. suCh is NOT THE CasE HeRE. NO man is an island, but i will endeavor to givE it My best Effort. in the face of trials and tribulatioNS, as humans our best is all that we can realistically manage. it is not a good feeling to rely so hEavily on means that i cannot direCtly PreDIct OR COntrol, but feelings, generally, are unreliaBlE indicAtors of factuAllY accurate phenoMeNa. LoGIc is KEy, loGIc IS KiNG, LogiC iS ThE timepIecE AnD the truth That keeps thIs World running. therefore it coUld Be clAIMeD that logIC iS goD, FULFiLlING ThAT ROle anD acCommodating the duties that accOmpany it.
if this analogy holds a gRAiN Of PERceptive truth, then it is sAfe to saY that we are forsaken, that my god logic and your gods allah, ra, poseidon or yahweh, have turned their backs on us, walked away, left us to this, the whims of tyrants, prisoners we have become and no sleeping or absent god can free us. what does it matter, weapon or meister, when someone else makes our decisions for us either way?
terribly depressing, this talk. i humbly apologize for what is doubtless a sleep-deprived, rambling mess of nonsense. pay it no mind.
[OOC: There is a code in here. If your character might know L and his codes, or be able to figure it out, ping me on AIM at "tinmaiden" or send me a PM and I'll let you know what the code is and what it looks like deciphered. Otherwise, feel free to wonder why his keyboard seems to be sticking so badly.]
c: masaru daimon,
l lawliet,
c: sollux captor,
c: lili rochefort,
c: lain iwakura,
c: kozato enma,
c: naoto shirogane,
c: nate "near" river,
c: franken stein,
c: mihael 'mello' keehl