video | december 8th, late afternoon

Aug 20, 2011 11:42

[ Sakura doesn't really mean to turn the communicator on, but she has it propped up, scanning through video and voice entries while she reads. It's when she reaches over to turn her light on that her hand brushes against the video function.

She's leaned back in a chair, a book of astrology in her hands. After talking to Aradia, Feferi, and Karkat, she gained a bit of an interest in the various signs. It takes a moment, but when she finally glances up from the book, she realizes it's recording. ]


[ A sheepish smile later, she closes the book and sets it down on her desk, pulling the communicator over. ]

Um- Right! Welcome to all you new arrivals, I hope you're beginning to settle in well. My name is Sakura! I'm a Weapon, and came in with the last batch. If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them for you.

Also, I was wondering, with other Weapons -- how do you feel about, well, consuming kishin eggs? I went on my first mission, and it was a little strange. Do you find it gets easier the more times you have to do it?

(Filter | Dave Karofsky)
[ Filtered as 'the anonymous person I spoke to', and she hopes that it actually works. ]

Hi again..!

I just wanted to see if you were settling in any better than when I first spoke to you?

c: sasuke uchiha, c: tenten, sakura haruno, c: saralegui, c: karkat vantas, c: kairi, c: phoenix wright, c: ryoki tanaka, c: misao makimachi, c: haru, c: santana lopez

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