[video] Dec 7th afternoon

Aug 17, 2011 02:11

[The video feed comes on to blackness. The sound of someone shifting around shows that the odds are someone is leaning against or on the screen of the DEMISE communicator. After a few moments they move, and a young man with blue eyes is glaring at it, though it’s obvious the device is on the ground and he’s looking down on it and sitting on the ground as well.]

How the hell is this thing supposed to work?

[He reaches out and…well paws at the screen. Instead of poking with his fingers he actually seems to be digging at the screen with his palms, like a dog investigating something. When this doesn’t seem to work he just huffs lightly, moving off screen]

This is pointless. If I need to talk to someone I’ll just go find them.

[The screen shakes a little. Pauses, then shakes again before a corner of it goes dark with a sharp clicking sound, like something hard tapping the glass over and over. Now the view is moving, like being carried deeper into an... alley? Only rather low to the ground, as if the carrier is very short or-

oh yeah, there might be a little spit on the screen before he finally manages to shut it off.]

c: haru, c: maito gai, c: chie satonaka, kiba, c: claire stanfield

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