[Video] December 4th @ 9:30am'ish

Aug 07, 2011 10:58

[It's a camera image walking along a hallway in the two-bedroom apartment area, and the person wielding the camera is casual and silent in the hallway. He stops in front of a door and nothing happens for a moment, but the clear letter 'C' is shown on the door of the apartment building. There's some rustling as things are shifted, and the camera tilts as if no longer in a person's hand.

Then a blacked-gloved hand enters the image and knocks on the door in a clear and casual way. Once the knocking is finished, the camera returns to being upright and clear on the door.] No SOLDIERs were officially injured in the making of this.

[From behind that fateful door, there’s the sound of rustling and some loud music. Well, not so much “music” as “off-key-singing”; unless you’re from Midgar, you might not recognize some of the familiar Top Twenty Hits that struck the radio waves right before the beginning of the end, but Zack will make sure you know them, each and every wrong-noted word. The knocking on the door interrupts the happy, if not torturous, sound, and soon the footsteps announced his approach.

[One second, two seconds, three seconds, and the knob is turned, the door pulling open….]

[As soon as the door opens enough for Zack's face to appear in the doorway, the camera stays perfectly still as if someone has had practice taking video while on the move. There is a flurry of activity on the right hand side of the camera before the picture is momentarily blocked with black material, but there is the obvious sound of something making a 'splat' sound.

The arm pulls away and there is whipping cream splattering the door, the frame and a silver plate where Zack's face should have been... and more whipping cream.

Then the camera falls, tilting upwards to reveal a brief blurry picture of spiky blonde hair, an obvious smirk and movement as the camera bearer begins to run. The picture abruptly cuts off as the communicator is shut.]

cloud strife, c: reno, zack fair, c: riku, c: kurapika, c: rinzler, c: aerith gainsborough

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