[Santana's suggestion (or had it been a joke? Jeez, who knew, with how she ran her mouth all the time) had been buzzing around in Dave's head all day. The more the thought about it, yeah, they did have to feel out what it was like here, didn't they? Was it another Lima? Karofsky was inclined to believe it was...he'd never really been outside the town, after all.
Still. Testing was a good call. And...well, he was good enough with computers. Nobody should be able to trace it back to him, right? And...Kurt just wouldn't have to know. Or if he asked, Dave would tell him why they were doing this, and he'd have to understand. Obviously.
Thank God he'd spent the majority of his high school years joined at the hip with Azimio. It gave him loads of material.]
Has anyone ever heard of how to translate for a gay dude? Here's a guide:
I want a commitment.
-> I'm sick of masturbation.
Haven't I seen you before?
-> Nice ass.
I need you.
-> My hand is tired.
You're the only man I've ever cared about.
-> You are the only man who hasn't rejected me.
I'm a Romantic.
-> I'm poor.
I really want to get to know you better.
-> So I can tell my friends about it.
It's just orange juice, try it.
-> 3 more shots, and he'll have his legs around my head.
He's kinda cute.
-> I want to have sex with him till my dick turns blue!
He's not my type.
-> He won't sleep with me.
I miss you so much
-> I am so horny that my dog is starting to look good.
I had a wonderful time last night.
-> Who the hell are you?
Do you love me?
-> I've done something stupid and you might find out.
Do you 'really' love me?
-> I've done something stupid and you're going to find out.
I'll give you a call.
-> I'd rather have my nipples torn off by wild dogs than see you again.
I've been thinking a lot.
-> You're not as attractive as when I was drunk.
I think we should just be friends.
-> You're ugly.
I've learned a lot from you.
-> Next!!!!
Hope that cleared it up. Anyone else know any tips? Let's swap stories or something.
((As an OOC note, none of the views above are shared by the very-gay mun in question!! Just...clarifying that!))