May 31, 2011 20:30

[If Date ever knows that the nest few minutes of his life was being recorded in voice, he would have thought twice about saying all of this. But as it is, he doesn't know he's being recorded now so everyone can hear the sheer awkward coming from the usually composed warlord.]

--so like, well... what I want to say is that... you... [Long awkward ( Read more... )

c: magoichi saika, date masamune, c: kasuga, c: chosokabe motochika, c: dante sparda, c: tokugawa ieyasu, c: xiao qiao, c: ryotaro dojima, c: heiwajima shizuo, c: vergil sparda

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[Video] blue_darkslayer May 31 2011, 15:12:56 UTC
[Oh for the love of-]

Date, you should consider having your communicator looked at. It appears to turn itself on with alarming frequency.

[He probably has more unintentional posts than planned ones... Nonetheless, he feigns curiosity.] Having trouble with something?

[Because Vergil is clearly the best person to go to regarding the subject of emotions.]


[Video] getyourgunson May 31 2011, 15:22:53 UTC
[Unhappy grunt, it goes here.] I'll look into it once I'm out of here.

[Anyway, that aside...] To answer your question: no, not really. [He is just troubled, you see.]


[Video] blue_darkslayer May 31 2011, 15:31:41 UTC
[He nods.]


Didn't seem that way.

[Okay he'll bite. Even if normally he'd just leave it alone. Too unlike Date to be, well, unsure about something.]


[Video] getyourgunson May 31 2011, 15:41:27 UTC
[Well Vergil, you'd be unsure to when you're going to try and confess to the man who had know you since you were a kid and knows you like the back of his hand and suddenly means a lot more to you than he already has. Just saying.]

[Also, he's only going to admit this because you're his BFF.]

It's... Hard to explain.


[Video | Private] blue_darkslayer May 31 2011, 15:49:44 UTC
[Switching on the filter for the daimyo's benefit. Since this could probably be considered private.]

Take your time.

[Vergil's at home at the moment, just taking a break from writing while on the couch. He's not in a rush.]


[Video | Private] getyourgunson May 31 2011, 15:55:59 UTC
[He really appreciates it Vergil, he really does.

Now just give him about five minutes to muster the courage up to speak.]

I-- [Paaaause. And suddenly in a smaller voice, and sort of rushed.] I... I like Koujurou.

[And pause again.] I mean--I think I do.


[Video | Private] blue_darkslayer May 31 2011, 16:02:23 UTC
[There's the faint sound of a pen scratching in the background while he's waiting. The man sure was taking his sweet-ass time.]

I see. [Absent-minded. But then he pauses from his writing.] Wait... what?

[Not the most subtle or eloquent of moments on Vergil's part.]


[Video | Private] getyourgunson May 31 2011, 16:10:21 UTC
[Ffffff Vergil do you know how hard it was to say that. At least it's been said, so a second isn't as hard.]

I said I like Koujurou. Or I think I do. [He still isn't certain which.]


[Video | Private] blue_darkslayer May 31 2011, 16:15:27 UTC
[He might be feeling a little stupid. But more awkward. This isn't exactly what he had expected. Confessions of liking a man are not something he is familiar with having to listen to.]

You think you do? [Looking stoic again. He tilts his head slightly.] You've never struck me as the type to second-guess yourself, Date.


[Video | Private] getyourgunson May 31 2011, 16:21:14 UTC
[If it makes you feel better Vergil, Date never expected this as well. But it's been building...

Looking annoyed now, by the way.] Like I said, it's hard to explain. [More like hard to talk about it, but you get the message.]


[Video | Private] blue_darkslayer May 31 2011, 16:30:52 UTC
[He'd criticize, but Vergil's track record when it comes to romantic feelings is not exactly pristine. Even so...]

You've never struck me as the type to be out of touch with your emotions, either. [Exact opposite, in fact. Date was far too reckless and yet strangely merciful to be anything but.]

...Koujurou would probably be amenable. [Whether due to his own sentiments or out of some sense of duty to his lord is another question entirely, though.]


[Video | Private] getyourgunson May 31 2011, 16:38:27 UTC
It's complicated. [Which is a bit of an understatement, really. Koujurou's been with him since he was but a kid, after all. It's just... Strange.

Anyway, making an uncomfortable face now.] I... He's my Right Eye. [Always has, always will. He doesn't want to lose that because of these... Feelings.] He's important.


[Video | Private] blue_darkslayer June 5 2011, 17:30:47 UTC
[He merely nods. Complicated he can understand. Hell, he's in a 'relationship' now and he's still not totally comfortable with the idea.]

All the more reason, don't you think? If you can trust anyone... [-to allow close to you, it should be the one who's most important to you. Vergil's known Koujurou the tiniest fraction of the time that Date has, but he knows the man is definitely trustworthy.

Of course, he'd never thought of that in a romantic sense, which is an awkward thought. But still, point stands.]


[Video | Private] getyourgunson June 6 2011, 01:32:29 UTC
[Yeah, Vergil has a point. Koujurou... well. Koujurou's been with him for so long, Date can't imagine a life without him. But to take this onto another level altogether... would anything even still remain the same? Date's kind of not sure - and is hesitant on this, because he doesn't want to break the status quo he has now.]

I'm not sure how this will affect things. [Pauses.] I don't want them to.


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