050 | Mustang | November 9, 6:30 AM | Video

Apr 30, 2011 00:09

[This post goes up first thing in the morning; most of you will recognize the area as the training grounds. Have a clean-faced man with dark hair and an eyepatch over his right eye: he's in his mid to late twenties from the looks of it, and dressed down in a tanktop and fatigues. At that moment, he's sitting on a crate, leaning against a bunch of others.]

Roy Mustang here... I'm sure a lot of you already know me, but for those of you who don't, I am the head of Death City's Office for General Security and Commander of the Watch. I'd like to extend my greetings, of course, to the new arrivals. [Smiles.] I hope you're all settling in. Do know that if you ever need assistance, or have any questions about anything, you're free to approach me.

For those of you who are interested in joining the Watch but want to know what you may be getting into before making a decision, you're welcome to approach me as well.

Filter | The Watch;

My partner and I will be out on another mission today. You all know the drill by now, I think. Oh, and we've got some new members coming in as well.

On that note, did any one of you have friends come in with the new batch?

Filter | Core Command, Zone Leaders | Encrypted Like a Motherfucking Boss;

I've sent a letter to your homes. They're hard to miss, given how I marked the envelope. Once you're done reading it, commit the details to memory however you will and burn them.

Should you have questions, I only request that you approach me in person, and do it within the next 48 hours.

Filter | Seta Souji;

When are you free? I need to speak with you.

Filter | Ryotaro Dojima;

I'll wait for you at the steps of Shibusen. [Pause.] There's something I need to tell you as well.


Action threads are welcome as always. For those of you who have been tagged for that letter, you will find a brown envelope sealed tight across the fold, stamped with the word 'CONFIDENTIAL' in red. It's typewritten, and reads like this:


I've volunteered to leave the city on a special assignment. I will be accompanied by a Weapon of skill, so you need not worry about my safety. This does mean, however, that I will be gone for at least a week.

In my absence, Major Alex Louis Armstrong is to take command of the Watch - Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye and Second Lieutenant Jean Havoc are expected to assist him. I also expect that the Zone Leaders will do everything in their power to keep the city safe and watch over their men.

Tell no one about the reason for my disappearance. Do what you have to do, in order to answer their questions and keep them from prying.

I'll see you soon.

I am not granting permission to anyone outside of the addressed parties to read or intercept the letter, for plot purposes.

c: masaru daimon, c: yukimura sanada, c: riku, c: forte stollen, c: souji seta, c: claire stanfield, c: karkat vantas, c: temeraire, c: gray fullbuster, c: vergil sparda, c: jade harley, c: mihael 'mello' keehl, c: alistair, roy mustang, c: izaya orihara, c: sarutobi sasuke, c: ryotaro dojima, c: re-l meyer

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