[Some time in the early afternoon, the video feed blips on to show N sitting on the roof of the Communal, wearing what appears to be a fox ear headband and a black, fluffy muffler over his usual turtleneck. After much intense deliberation, he's decided to be a
Zorua for Halloween, as his research has shown that it seems acceptable for people to dress up as their dearest animal companions for this holiday.]
It is my understanding that the festivities for this holiday do not begin until the evening? Is there a particular reason for this practice? It goes without saying that if one wishes to obtain the optimum number of sweets, an all-day celebration would make more sense.
[He pauses to fiddle with the furry muffler, revealing red-mitten'd hands.]
Regardless-- I do wonder what everyone else will be dressing as today. Is there some purpose behind your garb, some deeper meaning, or was your choice made simply in the name of fun?