Hello, Death City!
[The screen is focused on her bright and shining face as she addresses them with a cheerful smile.]
A cruise sounds fun, hmm? The Maldives is one of the few places I've never actually been, so it should be an experience. This apartment was already starting to get dull, a short retreat is a wonderful idea.
Unfortunately, seeing as I have just arrived, I have no money, and I must get by with the single swimsuit that is provided. Does it look alright? Be honest, now~
[She steps back from the screen and
strikes a pose or two, continuing her speech from across the room. Please ignore the bandages all over her right shoulder. Or, don't.]
I'm not very much looking forward to getting a job, but I don't think I can allow myself to dress like a prisoner much longer. One shirt's already ruined. I'll need to buy my own clothes soon.
[Private to Haru]
I had fun with you the other day. It was lovely. We should do it again sometime~