[ The feed comes on to reveal a rather interesting sight: a can of beer pressed right against the side of the screen, close to where the controls were. While that might explain why the unit turned on in the first place, it wasn’t enough to explain why, upon closer observation, the communicator appeared to be inside a refrigerator.
Some things of interest in the fridge: more beer on one end, some cheese, and a plastic container of what looks like pudding, labeled with a piece of tape bearing the name ‘NANAKO’, written in black permanent pen.
It might be hard to catch all of that in a single look, however, because there’s the sound of rummaging somewhere below the rack where the communicator’s been placed, and the fridge door’s pushed shut. Off goes the light!
The next fifteen minutes are generally quiet, of course, but near the tail end, there are muffled sounds beyond the door. The owners of the fridge appear to be home.
And the fridge door’s opening again!]
--Could have sworn it was somewhere around here. [ The first voice readily audible is one of a man both exasperated and seemingly in the throes of a spat of pacing, judging by the accompanying staccato of shoes and the variation of volume in his words. It’s the voice of a man deeply ensconced in his task, one that’s looking more maddeningly hopeless with each passing minute. ]
I put it down for just a minute--
I’m sure you’ll find it eventually.
[That second voice is much calmer, and maybe just a bit amused. The source of it himself appears on screen in a moment - Roy’s the one doing the rummaging in the fridge now. He hasn’t noticed the PDA yet.]
Want some beer? Might make you feel better.
May as well. Not going to find it like this at this rate. [ He’s sounding a little grouchy, a little irritable, and a second later there’s the faint scrape of a chair being pulled along the floor. Giving up, so it would seem.
Roy briefly turns turns away from what he’s doing to smile at wherever Dojima is behind him, then goes back to looking through the fridge. Beer, beer...
The ah moment is plain on his face, the moment he finally notices the communicator behind the can he just picked up. A heartbeat or two, then, without looking away:]
Dojima, I think I found your communicator.
What? [ That certainly seems to get his attention, and within seconds (with another scrape of the chair) Dojima is hunkering right up next to Roy, blinking at the communicator in a rather owlish fashion.
Oh. ]
[It was at that moment that Roy turned back to him and smiled, holding up a can. He always was quick on his feet with situations like that, it seemed.]
Thanks. [ He looks away, returning the smile with a healthy dose of chagrin on the side. The can is acquired, the tab pulled before he returns his gaze to the waiting communicator. It’s while he’s taking that first sip that he notices the little indicator and it’s light. One second passes, two, and then he swallows that mouthful down with such haste that he spends the next few seconds of the recording sputtering. ]
Is it on!?
[ Mild horror meets supreme levels of embarrassment, and the last view on the screen is of Dojima’s hand before the recording cuts off. ]
((ooc note: green for Dojima and blue for roy.))