1st ♪ video

Dec 21, 2010 17:18

[ A teenage boy wearing an impressive, though wrinkled, designer sweater and broach ensemble delicately crosses his skinny-jean clad legs in front of him and rests his hands on his knee in one smooth well-practiced motion. When he speaks, his voice is relatively high in pitch, and he smiles somewhat pleasantly into the camera, despite the fact that his hair isn't done and he's skipped one very crucial night in his nightly skin moisturizing routine. ]

Hello, everyone. I only just arrived last night, the name is Kurt Hummel. You guys can call me Kurt. I am... very slowly but surely adjusting to the idea that everything as I knew it previously has been blown away in a breeze of alternate universe sci-fi-fantasy b.s., so forgive me if I'm slow to understand things. Or if I stare - I've been staring way too much, I know it's rude. Very, very sorry if it's offended anyone.

[ He bites his lip, now, and looks away briefly - here comes the embarrassing (but completely necessary!) part. ]

So... I was looking around your mall in the hopes that maybe I could get some new clothes, or some decorations for this dismal cave of an apartment which is literally sucking away at my soul it is that horrible, but there was really nothing in there. [ He makes a vaguely negative gesture. ] I mean, there were clearly things in there and it's really wonderful that you're offering it to us for free, but while those kinds of clothes are appropriate for some people, the most low-end store I tend to shop at is H&M and that's only because their stuff is absolutely unique in a way that I can appreciate.

What I'm trying to say, here, is... you don't honestly expect me to go without Marc Jacobs and Alexander McQueen apparel, do you? There have got to be similar designers on this version of earth, at the very least! I'm even willing to work to pay for them, but please - if any one of you suggests that I actually shop at stores like [ he grimaces ] 'Deathpostale' and 'Death Navy', I will tell you right now that I just cannot. I'd rather wear this same outfit for days on end! At least this fits my standards.

[ He pauses to take a breath, that was actually more ranty than he'd been anticipating. Oops. ]

Anyway. Any help with this matter would be appreciated. To many of you it might not seem like a big deal, I know, but for me...

[ Kurt sighs and turns the video off. ]

c: mushu, c: roy mustang, kurt hummel, c: souji seta, c: rokudo mukuro, c: rei kurosawa, c: jeanne d'arc, c: kida masaomi, c: lovino vargas (south italy), c: john watson, c: francis bonnefoy (france), c: kanaya maryam, c: rhode kamelot, c: saralegui, c: sadiq adnan (turkey), c: antonio fernandez carriedo (spain), c: fakir, c: sandrilene fa toren, c: miles edgeworth, c: toph bei fong

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