
Sep 21, 2010 03:32

[The feed flares to life, the image that of a woman. Her expression is stern - in fact, stern is putting it lightly. The fierce knit of her brow and set of her jaw speaks of restrained fury, of an urge to go forth, to move held tightly in check. Her shoulders are squared, her head held high - the stance is regal, certainly, and her tone is commanding.]

This set-up seems entirely too convenient.

[Jaw set in a scowl, her voice manifests into something like a snarl:]

I have my own battles to fight!

[And win, judging by her tone. Her lips, lacquered purple, curl into a suspicious sneer, as if she's spotted a flaw in the set-up, cottoned on to some private jest.]

My weapons are to be returned to me at once - if you really expect me to fight.

[A laugh bubbles up, utterly mirthless. For a moment she is smiling, fierce and furious, and then she scowls again.]

Zero! I know this is your influence at work. Who else would be so cowardly?

[Her eyes narrow sharply and she leans forward, looking perhaps just a little too fervent.]

Show yourself to me, you coward, and I might just kill you quickly!

c: sasuke uchiha, c: ludwig (germany), c: clovis la britannia, c: lelouch vi britannia, c: euphemia li britannia, c: suzaku kururugi, c: kida masaomi, c: shirley fenette, c: kitty pryde, c: liz thompson, c: azusa yumi, c: saralegui, c: giovanni rammsteiner, c: axel, c: kamui (monou fuuma), c: yoshiya "joshua" kiryu

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