o14; video

Jul 30, 2010 00:34

[well! England's had a few drinks with Roy, so he's actually feeling brave enough to talk on the network today! Unfortunately, he's not feeling completely better yet]

Good evening.

For those of you who were wondering, Death by Pastry is still open to the public, despite the food shortage. We have cut down our hours, but you are still welcome to drop by for some tea or coffee, or just to talk. I realize that times are difficult now, but we are doing our best to keep our cafe friendly so that you will have a positive environment to go to should you need one.

That being said, we are also looking to hire on a new baker for when we have food again. If you have any experience in baking, please feel free to apply for the job.

Thank you very much, and enjoy the rest of your night.

[he clicks some buttons so, to most people, it looks and sounds like he's ending the transmission. however]

[filter || all countries except for France]
...I wish to apologize for. Ah. Prince Clovis. [he somehow thinks this is his responsibility, yes] Please, do not be alarmed. His kingdom of Britannia is not me, and I do not wish to start any wars, or to conquer you. [rubs his face] There is no cause for alarm. Rest assured, it was not my idea. [hgfjkghkdj he's so worried you all will hate him now]

[filter || France only]
I take it he's staying with you, now. [grimace]

c: ludwig (germany), c: merlin, c: naminé, c: francis bonnefoy (france), c: toris lorinaitis (lithuania), c: allen walker, c: alfred f. jones (america), arthur kirkland (england), c: kiku honda (japan), c: yao wong (china), c: sherlock holmes, c: antonio fernandez carriedo (spain), c: gilbert weillschmidt (prussia), c: daisukenojo "beat" bito, c: saber

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