
Dec 25, 2009 00:34

So, this is a bit embarrassing, but I'm afraid this Ed is calling it quits. Real life is eating me alive for various reasons at the moment. and it doesn't look like it'll be letting up any time soon. Thus, I am dropping this character.

I'm sorry for the short notice, and the people I'm leaving hanging on tags. I understand that this makes it difficult for some people, but there's really nothing I can do about it until I have money for internet again. Stupid economy, bawww. :(

As far as the sandstorm plot goes, pretend Ed wandered off and diasappeared or something.

Nikki, Jami, and Eme especially, I'm sorry. You've all been absolutely fabulous to play with again, and I'll miss you a lot. To the rest of y'all, I wish I'd had more time to get to know you and stuff, you seem like real cool people. ^^

Anyway, later, kids. Have a good one. <3
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