† 12: video | 17 january | 11 am

Jan 16, 2012 00:13

I suppose it's time to bite the bullet and just put this out here - considering that I'm tired of sitting about while people go on missions -

[ Straight to the point as always, Re-L is up early and seemingly on a mission today. No long-winded thoughts about philosophy here, or existential questions about this or that - the meaning of life - that sort of thing. Today she's here to discuss partnership, and that seems to be about it. ]

- I need a weapon. I am most comfortable with fire arms, caliber and fire power aren't really important. I'm open to other options, but those would take longer for me to feel comfortable risking a battlefield with, if I'm to be honest, and I'd like to be actually doing things sooner than that if I can help it. However, if resonation works well, I'm willing to work with it no matter the Weapon form, even better if you're willing to work with the Watch or at least test your standings with it.

I'm always available through my communicator, if you'd like to get in contact with me whether it's about resonation or not.

[ Oh oops, you forgot something there, Re-L. ] My name is Re-L Mayer, by the way. 

c: viede, re-l meyer

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