☆ 《003, Video 》 January 14 | Afternoon

Jan 04, 2012 20:24

*Tsuruhime, unlike her usual self, looks down. Her face doesn't have the peppy smile or energy. In fact, she looks downright tired.*

Haaa *A deep sigh.* I never thought it would be this hard to keep up what's happening around here. Um, I'm sure everyone is aware of this already, but Eiko-chan and Neku went back home.

*She attempts to smile a ( Read more... )

c: takasugi shinsuke, c: yukimura sanada, c: aqua, tsuruhime, c: max, c: amaterasu, c: saleh, c: katakura koujurou

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[video] crushthecups January 5 2012, 02:44:12 UTC
You lost your friends, huh?

[Max's been there before. He gets what this girl's feeling.]

Don't force yourself to smile if it hurts, you gotta let all the sad and anger out before you can get yourself to smile again, ya know?


[video] purewhite_crane January 5 2012, 04:20:19 UTC
Sad and anger ... *She blinks, taken back.*

Is that what this heaviness in my chest is?


[video] crushthecups January 5 2012, 20:45:58 UTC
[He thumps the middle of his chest with a fist.]

Right there. It's like you got somethin' squeezing the daylights out of ya. It goes away soon enough.


[video] purewhite_crane January 5 2012, 22:28:04 UTC
Y-yes! That's exactly it! It's overwhelming ...

But I am relieved to hear it will fade away with time.


[video] crushthecups January 6 2012, 04:01:18 UTC
As I said, you gotta let it out. It helps a lot. Don't let it get the better of you. Otherwise you lose your focus and that ain't good for anyone.

The name's Max, by the way. What's yours?


[video] purewhite_crane January 6 2012, 22:34:11 UTC
I, uh ...*ahem.* My name is Tsuruhime.

And thank you Max-san. I might not look it, but I'm pretty strong girl so, so I'll be fine. After a little rest, I'm sure.


[video] crushthecups January 8 2012, 23:41:07 UTC
Tsuruhime. Tsuru... hime...

[He says the name slowly, trying to get it and remember it.]

Miss Tsuru, I don't doubt you're a strong girl. You get your rest, but just remember, you ain't alone in feeling the way you do. People come and go and you just gotta... weather it out.

[Sigh. He does feel for her. It's never a pleasant experience]

I'm sure you've got other friends who can help you out.


[video] purewhite_crane January 10 2012, 00:12:29 UTC
It sure seems that way.

*But talking to other people sure does help. Like many people have said after her post.*

I do have friends I can meet. And there are kind strangers like you who took notice of me. I'm very grateful.


[video] crushthecups January 10 2012, 23:40:28 UTC
You're kinda young and pure hearted for this kinda thing... wars and all that. That BREW makes some weird decisions sometimes...


[video] purewhite_crane January 12 2012, 23:40:05 UTC
Oh, but I have fought many battles back home as well! I have been protecting my home since there has been trouble brewing about.


[video] LATE FOREVER BUT I KINDA LOVE THEIR INTERACTION SORRY MIMIRU crushthecups January 18 2012, 01:43:26 UTC
Huh?! Really?! You don't seem the war goin' type at all!


[ video] NO WORRIES I LOVE BACKTAGGING KIMI purewhite_crane January 21 2012, 20:06:38 UTC
It's not that I like to fight *her voice strengthens a bit here, the trace of shakiness disappears.* but I wanted to protect my home.

You see, in my world, I'm an oracle! So my shipmates and people in my hometown depend on me.


[video] crushthecups January 22 2012, 03:08:53 UTC
You got something to protect, eh? I like that, you got your priorities right. Or seems it, anyway.

[She kinda reminded him of Rachel, in a strange way. Always got a bit of spark to her, and he saw the same in Tsuruhime.

And then it kinda hits him that she said she was an oracle.]

Wait hold up, oracles tell the future. Why you out there fighting? Ain't you got people to protect you from getting hurt?


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