006 ♑onk | video + text

Nov 03, 2011 17:43

Heeeeey, meisterfuckers and weaponholes what the motherfuck is up with you?

[wow just the face everyone wanted to see, right? Gamzee sure looks excited to see all of you though as evidenced by shoving his face all up on the screen grinning like a idiot. At least this time it's that wide, dopey grin, instead of the fanged smile spitting insults. Small blessings and all that.

The video is still a little smudged with purple from his artistic endeavors, but he licks a thumb and tries to keep wiping it off, only to add more smearing. Oh well.]

Guess I'm just all capering in your business to be all tellin' you I'm a motherfuckin' free bard and all that shit, and damn it feels motherfucking good. Got all sorts of empty down in that hole, but I done up and served the debt and they gave me this bitchin' shovel to move all this snowshit around too, so I ain't quite done yet? Heh, don't matter, gonna do whatever the fuck it takes to be all saying sorry to you bitches and bros.

Also, got a special motherfucking surprise too--

[he switches to text]

AlSo jUsT GoNnA Up aNd iNtRoDuCe yOu fUcKeRs tO My nEw bItChIn cOlOr uP In hErE
SiNcE I Be aLl fIgUrInG AiN'T NoBoDy wAnNa sEe tHaT PuRpLe sHiT ArOuNd aNd aLl i gEt iT
So tHiS GoNnA Be mY MoThErFuCkInG LoOk fOr a wHiLe tIl I Up aNd FiGuRe sOmE DeEp sHiT OuT :o(
Oh sWeEt mOtHeRfUcKiNg mEsSiAhS LoOk wHaT ElSe tHiS MiRaClE MaChInE CaN Up aNd dO! :oO


translation: also just gonna up and introduce you fuckers to my new bitchin color up in here
since I be all figuring ain't nobody wanna see that purple shit around and all I get it
so this gonna be my motherfucking look for a while til i figure some deep shit out
oh sweet motherfucking messiahs look what else this miracle machine can all up and do
wooooooooooooooooooooooooah :oO]

c: rangiku matsumoto, c: sollux captor, c: keroro, c: maito gai, c: karkat vantas, c: temeraire, c: gilbert weillschmidt (prussia), c: mephisto pheles, c: selendis, c: jade harley, gamzee makara, c: mihael 'mello' keehl

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