[ Video ] [ December 27th ]

Nov 01, 2011 22:14

[ Death City Heights residents or at least people who’ve been to one of the houses in DCH would recognize this room - it’s one of those empty function/lobby/all-purpose rooms, although the table and chairs have been moved to the side. A bright magenta music player (a DeathPod, if you will...and yes, it is indeed magenta, and playing some classical ( Read more... )

c: ludwig (germany), c: franziska von karma, c: roy mustang, ahiru, c: raidou kuzunoha, c: fakir, miles edgeworth, c: gilbert weillschmidt (prussia), c: colette brunel

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[action] wings_of_hope November 2 2011, 03:37:48 UTC
[ Her cheeks are still a bit colored with embarrassment, but she nods. Saying she's sorry ten times won't help anything.

And at least she made sure the device was off now. ]

O-Okay. I'll make sure I don't step on your foot this time!


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[action] wings_of_hope November 2 2011, 05:07:55 UTC
[ She was going to try extra, extra hard. Especially after that brief talk with Fakir. He didn't think she could do anything, even though he didn't know how to ballroom dance, either.

Hmph, she'd show him.

Taking Edgeworth's offered hand, she nods again. ]

I'll try really hard to get it right this time!


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[action] wings_of_hope November 2 2011, 13:36:52 UTC
[ Once again, she settles one hand up onto his shoulder the same way as before and takes a quick glance down at her feet to make sure they're not in the way. ]

I... Yes! I'm ready. I'll listen for the music!

[ She's eager to get this right, after all. And dancing with music was always easier--it helped to keep you on the beats of each movement so you didn't go too fast or too slow. If that worked for ballroom dancing, too, then she could definitely do this!

Or so she hoped, anyway. ]


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[action] wings_of_hope November 2 2011, 18:35:52 UTC
[ Oh, his count. Okay, she was gonna get this right...!

Giving him a small nod, she takes a breath for preparation, waits through one and two, and actually manages to step off on three--which conveniently fell in time with the music, anyway.

Now she just had to try not to screw up the steps again... ]


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[action] wings_of_hope November 3 2011, 16:08:11 UTC
[ It was actually getting a little bit easier to do, the more they repeated the steps.

One, two, three, one...

She counts in her head, but the numbers are almost seamless with the music now. And she no longer feels the need to stare at her feet awkwardly.

This must have at least been progress, right...? ]


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[action] wings_of_hope November 4 2011, 23:54:14 UTC
[ Hearing that she wasn't completely failing in every possible way is uplifting to the redhead.

Feeling a bit more confidence trickle in, her lips ease into a smile of her own. ]


[ Two, three, one, two...

She was going to do her best not to screw this up! ]


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[action] wings_of_hope November 8 2011, 17:39:45 UTC

[ The tempo had been comfortable like this. She hadn't considered that the steps needed a quicker pace.

But she's not about to get intimidated by the dance now that she's come this far! ]

Okay! Do the counts... just go faster then?


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[action] wings_of_hope November 9 2011, 15:17:30 UTC
I'm ready! I think... I'll do my best!

[ If she can do the basic steps now, a little faster shouldn't hurt, right?

...Other steps? ]

So... there's more?

[ It shouldn't have been a surprise. She'd watched the ballroom competition, after all. There was no telling what kind of steps the feet were doing, especially when the tempo of the music picked up. ]


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