[010] {text} dec. 16th, morning. [filtered to turks only]

Sep 16, 2011 22:48

[gooooooood morning lady and gentlemen, to this fine morning of December sixteenth! hope you had your communicator on silent or whatnot as this message is sent out at the top of the morning by our lovely little redhead here. why? who knows? you won't, until you open it, of course! and don't worry! it's filtered only to you folk, so you won't have to worry about unwanted eyes prying into your business.]

I hope, by now, you know that Rufus and I are heading out to Switzerland tomorrow, and there are a few things I want to say.

I know that anything I say at this point won't calm any uncertainty you have about me, but I do ask that you would trust not only my judgment, but his as well. We wouldn't have been able to resonate if we didn't trust each other, so the least you guys can do is trust the both of us? Or, if not me, then just him. I would assume, by now, he would know what to do, who to trust and who not to trust. And I'm grateful that I earned it.

Also, I will do anything I can to make sure he, at least, stays safe the entire time we're there. [and he means anything. though he doesn't say that, it is heavily implied.]

And I think that's it.

Oh, and Tseng, you are not to step anywhere near the kitchen. Understood?

[much love, Asch. have a good day, Turks!]

asch the bloody, c: elena

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