[video] [December 16th, afternoon]

Sep 17, 2011 00:50

[Good afternoon, Death City! It is 4 PM on a, shall we call it crisp autumn day, and Hideyoshi is - ]


[ - freezing away out on a street corner before a building undergoing heavy renovation, probably because someone blew it up at one point or another. Why do you people even do that. He is as dressed for this weather as he managed considering that modern clothes are hard and difficult, which means maybe he isn't really. Or maybe just that you might go blind from his idea of fetching combinations.]

Honestly, what is with with weather? Last I checked, we were in the middle of a desert! [He waves one arm for great emphasis, then remembers that it might be put to better use wrapped around himself.] When I'd rather be indoors signing forms, that means something isn't right!

[Isn't his life terribly difficult? But he'll smile anyway. Just you watch.]

I'm looking for one Ishida Mitsunari. My world's Ishida Mitsunari. Red hair, boyish sort of face, frown that'll get stuck if he keeps it up? If you see him, tell him I need him around and really, being jealous of yourself doesn't even make any sense.

Now, could someone tell the sun to pick up the slack? Brrrr!

[Filtered to Ieyasu]


[Slightly less humorous now, slightly more ready and sharp. Still smiling, though. Smile with him, why don't you.]

Tokugawa Ieyasu... how about we have a little talk without half of Japan playing spectator? Drinks on me.

c: ishida mitsunari (sb), c: tokugawa ieyasu, c: tohru honda, c: shibuya yuuri, c: hades (olimpos), hashiba hideyoshi, c: reborn

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