[ He really shouldn't be posting this when he's barely awake and lucid as is. Missions? Cold weather? Too much excitement paired with all of the above? Not the best idea.
But here he is anyway.
He'd probably regret it within a day. ]
diid ii ever mentiion how much ii hate mii22iion2? no?
well there you go.
2omethiing new learned every day.
2iince AA wa2 graciiou2 enough two grace you fucker2 wiith cla22iic art.
thought ii'd chiip iin.
2hare 2ome 2hiit whiile the mood'2 on.
for all the new 2chlub2 two famiiliiariize them2elve2 wiith.
ciity'2 top re2iident:
((ooc: translation
Did I ever mention how much I hate missions? No?
Well there you go.
Something new learned every day.
Since AA was gracious enough to grace you fuckers with classic art.
Thought I'd chip in.
Share some shit while the mood's on.
For all the new schlubs to familiarize themselves with.
The city's top resident:
Nosesuke. ))