That is quite enough... I have ignored this for as long as I am capable of.
[Grumpynari is grumpy. He seems to be out in the lobby of the Casualty Communal, sitting before the tree that so happens to be there. The decorations and various tidings of "holiday cheer" are about three seconds from being ripped down if Mitsunari has his way. He's never been a fan of extravagant(ly gaudy) things, especially ones lining the walls of the common room of his dwelling.]
What is this Christmas thing you people seem to prattle on about? Something about gifts and tidings... It sounds like something those damned Xavians would come up with.
Explain this.
[And he points the camera of his communicator to a rather creepy unusual looking
santa statue that someone seems to have placed by the door, likely to scare small children greet people.]