[Text] December 11th - 0920 hours

Aug 31, 2011 09:11

So, what do little girls like to do in a day? How does one keep them entertained for long periods of time? It shouldn't be that hard, but does anyone have any suggestions that might be helpful?

[Filtered to the Watch]

As some of you know, I've been with the Watch since it first started as a Zone Leader. I've fought beside many of you, and I have considerable respect in my fellow Zone Leaders as well as those of you who have been elevated to assist Zone Leaders. The men and women in the Watch are good people, and I commend you all on the jobs that you're doing.

However, I don't agree with certain decisions made with promotions with the Watch. Most of you are tried and trusted people, particularly Zone Leaders who I am most familiar with. In my mind, elevation in the ranks come from tried and tested men and women, an acknowledgement of our skills, our dedication, and our proven worth within the organization.

I am not here to demean the choices that were made already. I just don't feel like the direction that the organization is taking is best suited to my expectations of rank promotions. It's something that I feel strongly about for personal reasons. To me, my rank doesn't matter, since I'm just tickled dandy with being a Zone Leader.

Also, being able to converse your concerns with a superior officer is just as important. Communication keeps people alive in battle. Having your concerns ignored does not sit well with me.

[Filtered to Outer Residential Quarter II]

Now, you lot that I've had the pleasure of working with most of all. You're wonderful people, and I admit I don't know you all as well as I would like. Regardless, it was a pleasure to fight alongside all of you.

It might be obvious now, but I will be stepping down as your Zone Leader. Maybe some of your don't agree with my decision, but I still value every one of you for the efforts that you are putting in for the protection of the city. I value you all as my teammates, and I trust each and every one of you with my life.

Good luck and keep moseying towards good times. If any of you have any need to contact me, you know how to do that.

[Filtered to Roy Mustang]

I'm resigning from the Watch. I brought you my concerns to discuss them, aware that nothing would be done because the decision had been made. Instead of talking it out, our conversation ended in silence on your end.

Sephiroth will be resigning with me.

c: tassadar, c: roy mustang, c: riku, c: kurapika, c: luna lovegood, c: claire stanfield, cloud strife, c: zack fair, c: anise tatlin

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