Title: Bertie and the dashed unhelpful valet
Rating: G
Warnings: Just general silliness and general gen. Oh, and a non-native speaker's attempt at puns.
Author's note: This has been waiting on my harddrive for forever, i.e. almost a year. Ideas for fics about a certain day or holiday always only come to me at the end of those days. -_- Well.
A thousand
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As you already know: I like.
Mistakes can also be send to me, since I'm the blind woman who probably overlooked them... I'll take the shame.
*bows head in shame*
btw: Awww, you like Torchwood! <3
And I used to LOVE Torchwood. Then they killed my 3 favourite charcters. Now I choose to believe that the Pandorica reset everything and TW never happened. *Sigh* I'm happy that isn't a risk in Jeeves & Wooster.
Thank you again! ^^ (And I think I'm gonna keep calling you 'My favourite fowl". Alliterations ftw.)
How are you feeling? Better, I hope...
Not really. Might have a Blasenentzündung on top.
Oh NO. :( Get well, then! *hugs*
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