Ok, I was going to write out in prose all that happened when Amber, Keighty, Lea and Janet came over before heading over to Convention Alley, but along the way I got super busy and found myself in Mexico before I had a chance to translate the jot notes, and then when I returned I found myself in the middle of some heavy training for my new
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Heehee. I'm thoroughly a-moosed over that whole Steve thing. That's so great! XD You rock! I can't believe you even asked him that!! LOL! I can SO imagine Molly and Arthur like that too!!! *dies*
HAHA!! Gotta love Canadian stereotypes. It's fun to play along with them too. Wonder how many people believe me when I say I have a pet moose... LOL!
Ok, I'm gonna take a wild guess at what you got me. Underwear that says, "I'm loony for Lupin"
Am I right!?? I bet I am!! ;) LOL!
HAHAHA!!! Nah, my bros are naturally shy with any and all of my friends, though I've stopped being shy with theirs!! Even though Hector's trying to set me up with his best friend! My bros all insist I'm marrying him, lol. Umm... I think the legal age here is 16, but the age difference can't be more than a yr or something weird like that. I'll check up on that for you so you can pounce on Joaquin as soon as possible, haha!!! Then you guys can get married eventually and we'll be sisters!!! Wheeeee!! I'll just BLOCK out anything to do with my brother being behind closed doors!!! LMAO! And dude, I'm all for your to-be-adopted-hot-brother!! XD
There's a small chance I might get to come to New York (State) around Christmas for a week or so, but no guarantees! I'm not even getting my hopes up! Lol. I'll let you know though!
DUDE!! I'm such a scatterbrain! I'll get right on that! Tomorrow, actually. So you'll get them around early or mid next week. I'll let you know what the lady tells me! *is a dork* EEEEEEEEEEP! I can't believe we're so close to having this take off! YAY!! Oh, and I'm ordering 16, and then we'll have 3 extra. But with all the newbies, should I order one or two more? How much in total did I send you? $320 or $340? I can't remember right now. Hmm. If I don't hear from you by tomorrow aft I'll order the 16 anyway, and we can always order another load afterwards if it works.
UAU!! *huggles*
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