patch patch patch patch. nothing important : )

Jul 29, 2005 16:57

I just had to endure two painful days of death at my mother's house. Dad was out of town for two days, so I had to stay there. FORTUNATELY I hardly had to spend any time there at all. But what little time that WAS spent there was HORRIBLE. and the HOURSSS it seemed like that I had to talk to my mom on the phone were horrible.

Wednesday Josh's band had a show at the voodoo, we got there around seven but they weren't even on the setlist for some reason. Sooooo we end up leaving and running a bunch of errands and stuff like that and then come back around ten thirty. Art 4 Billion had made some arrangements and got Josh's band to play at around one in the morning, wooooo it was not that exciting other than Mike going on stage to scream with them during one song [and he did a wonderful job I might add].

There was this other band there... all dressed in yellow shirts and black tight pants... the singer had a half hawk [see also: cock hawk, bitch hawk, jock hawk, chicken hawk, and many more I'm sure] and looked really lame... anyway... this band ended up covering two MSI songs from their new album [which isn't even really all that good in my opinion..] Shut Me Up, and Stupid MF. It was just horrible, HORRIBLE. They were probably the worst band I've ever heard, and their covers were so bad it made me sick. It honestly took me a long long time to realize they were even the covers [and I had heard these songs quite often].

anyway. Towards the end of the show [around two in the morning] my friend Kellen shows up at the venue [his little brother is in josh's band] and we meet up with him. I ended up staying at his house after the show on Wednesday. He let me listen to Dolly Trauma's new and not yet mastered EP and it was actually really good... really different from their old stuff, I still need to burn it from him [we forgot].

Last night I spent the night at Mike's house. Josh got off work early and called me.. he came over and we both headed over to Amber's house [she lives next door to my mom] and we all left to hang out. Ended up at Mike's house, and I stayed there. My mom was all pissed about something or another. I was supposed to go to a whateveryouwant show last night but my mom didn't let me, don't know why.

yayyy for livejournal posts that were thrown together and not read over and probably don't make much sense.

Tomorrow's Saturday. Saturday means I probably get to see Haylee. now THAT'S something to look forward to. :D:D:D:D
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