So a few people are begging me to update LiveJournal. Butttttt I'm really having trouble keeping this going because I'm lacking in things to write about that other people would find interesting. I guess a livejournal is still more for yourself than other people, but I don't feel the need to write things down I guess. ANYWAY.
Summer's been going along along along. I haven't been doing too much really. Just hanging out with friends and stuff like that.
Things with Haylee have been very very good. I don't think I can remember a month that I've enjoyed so much as this past one. I'm really happy with the way things worked out in that department, doubt I could be much happier :D
I went to Geauga Lake on Saturday. THAAAAT was something. I'm not in love with roller coasters, I am not afraid of them and I go on them, but I'm not one of those people to get too excited about it. They're just kind of there to me. The first few hours there were good. I had fun riding some rides and stuff like that. But, when we went out to the parking lot for lunch and stuff I started to feel really really bad and it was just too hot and stuff like that. I wasn't enjoying myself one bit, so Haylee and I [we were with my brother, my dad, my dad's girlfriend, and her two kids] left early and went home. ... and now that I think about it Saturday was yesterday, so this all went down yesterday, hah.
ON A FINAL NOTE. AND BY FAR THE BEST NOTE. SOMETHING AMAZING [and I mean super super super super amazingly amazing] IS HAPPENING.
I won't even spoil it for you... just click on the link.