Feb 07, 2006 22:30

Ok so life is life. Im realising its over rated. Work? Annoying people, Love. I mean its all good and fair in love and war...but shit why the fuck put up with it? Im happy but I could always be happier...I mean theirs always perfection just out of your reach....But why want perfection when you can have the world? Oh well any way Im happy shits good...

p.s. the ignorance of the world is soooo annoying, people need to learn and stop thinking their opionions make any sense....Like the law if your car is fuckd up some how and you by accident kill a person you should be held accountable? Cuz god decides a person needs to die its your fault?!?!?! DUMB ASS BITCHS!! Its no ones fault and it should just be left as it is a person is dead its an accident get over it! People Fucking Die! If any thing people that sereve in the millitary and kill cuz their told to should be held accountable! Fuck That killing is either wrong or rite war dosnt make it rite! Its either I can go and shoot any one or the millitary shouldnt be able to kill a bitch, self defense is the only thing that makes it even sorta ok.
But oh well ignorance will never fucking die...Thats why people need to...I wish...Oh well
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