Oct 03, 2011 01:34

Characters: OPEN
Location: Shibusen Linz, Austria
Rating: PG
Time: December 20 onwards
Description: Linz has gotten some battering, but it's not so wrecked to not be able to pay attention to its injured.

And a merry old fool was he. )

toph bei fong, chosokabe motochika, mihael 'mello' keehl, maito gai, !europe, sasuke uchiha, selendis, !event, brock, karkat vantas, temeraire

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open | december 20th | evening? justiceisdue October 10 2011, 02:43:41 UTC
[The walk to the clinic had felt like miles, but Selendis had never been happier to see it. She had to duck down to make it through the door, but the high ceilings were a small blessing. Especially after everything they'd just been though.

There wasn't much privacy here unfortunately, but Karkat didn't seem to be actively hiding his blood or trying to turn her around. So she took him to the nearest unoccupied bed, setting him down and instantly staining the white sheets with three different shades of blood. Lifting up the edge of her loin cloth, she tried somewhat fruitlessly to wipe blood off of his face.]

I will find someone to tend to your injury, Karkat.


Re: open | december 20th | evening? dungenessmaster October 10 2011, 02:55:07 UTC
[Karkat, at this point, is pretty dazed and mostly pressing his hand to the wound on his face out of habit. he slumps onto the bed and just sits where he's put, not flinching from her attempts to clean him up or making any special effort to hide the injury.

if nothing else, that was probably the best indication of how not okay he was.]

Your injuries, too. You look like... something... run through a thresher... backwards.


justiceisdue October 10 2011, 03:18:43 UTC
I will be fine, thresher or not. [Mostly, and whatever a thresher was supposed to be to him. None of her wounds were gushing blood, so she just ignored the discomfort. It didn't take her long to realize there were a lot of injured people in here, and it might be a wait before they got any real attention.] Where is your medical kit?


fuck I always forget to mention the bag when it counts :c dungenessmaster October 10 2011, 03:38:46 UTC
Oh, fuck, that thing, I...

[Karkat shrugs off his messenger bag and opens it. there are a few items visible inside: his sickle, a spare shirt, and the first-aid kit Selendis was looking for. He drags it out, letting the bag fall to the floor, and awkwardly opens it with his free hand.]


well at least he remembered it :V justiceisdue October 11 2011, 23:37:01 UTC
[While he dug around for the kit, Selendis took the time to wipe her hands off on the bed sheets. The medical equipment here might be state of the art for the people here, but to her it's as prehistoric as it is alien. The basics, at least, seem universal.

Once he has it open she just takes it from him, fishing out the gauze as delicately as possible with her claws. She hadn't been able to fight against the Black Clown, nor had she been able to fight kishin on her own terms. There were a lot of things in her life that were falling apart right now, but this she could fix. Well, mostly. Selendis starts wiping down his face again, getting a better look at the wound itself as well. She'd not exactly gentle, but does the best she can.]

I am sorry if it hurts. [She pauses a moment, before pressing fresh gauze against the cut on his face.] And I am sorry for everything else.


:V dungenessmaster October 12 2011, 07:22:21 UTC
[Karkat lifts one shoulder in a half-assed shrug and sits quietly, even though her ministrations open the little bit that was starting to scab up and starts it bleeding again. it's a sluggish flow this time, and even if he had a single milligram of fuck left to give, his partner trying to clean up his face wasn't exactly the worst thing Karkat had ever been through.

the wound runs vertically down the right side, crossing over the eye socket. the eyeball itself... still exists in there, but without the supernatural intervention of somebody on the medical staff, Karkat can definitely kiss half his vision goodbye. the cut runs deep, but the kinshin egg didn't manage to break any bones or do anything to his brain.]

You don't have anything to be sorry about. I'm supposed to be the one keeping the shithive madness out. I had one job to do out here, and I fucked it up so spectacularly they should just give up now and recruit me for the witch team.

Sorry I almost got us killed.


Have a super potion! ;D call_me_h0ney October 15 2011, 03:36:21 UTC
Brock had stayed in Lucerne until he was absolutely sure everyone who could get out was out before taking the mirror to Linz to help in the clinic, knowing they would need it. He was weary, covered in dirt and scrapes, but glad he'd made it out of there. Some people hadn't been so lucky ( ... )


justiceisdue October 16 2011, 03:29:02 UTC
Do not speak like that, Karkat.

[The reprimand turns out to be too much even for her, and Selendis has to stop a moment to lower herself closer to the floor. It puts them at a more even level, but she just keeps her hand pressed against his face until she stops feeling dizzy and exhausted. She doesn't even realize Brock has come up to them for several seconds, before she turns and stares at him. His words eventually sink in, and she straightens slightly.]

I am a meister.


WHOOPS sorry everybody let me just track this one from now on okay? 8V dungenessmaster October 18 2011, 22:48:04 UTC
[Karkat watches Selendis sink to the floor, and it just makes him feel worse. he musters up some vague concern, but there's nothing he can really do to stop it or help her back up, so he just rests his hand on her wrist.

he belatedly notices Brock too, and nods in response to Selendis.]

Yeah. It's her. You have some kind of healing move?


my turn to be late >< call_me_h0ney October 22 2011, 07:56:13 UTC
Brock moved to steady the giant alien, concerned at how she was faring. "You don't look so good. Are you sure you want to try and resonate?" he asked, a worried look on his face.

He turned to Karkat. "Yeah, my weapon form is a healing potion. You spray it on wounds, and it heals them much faster and more effectively than normal methods," he said, hoping that his ability would be able to heal Karkat's serious injury.

"You could use me on your wounds first, and then heal your partner," he suggested to Selendis.


no worries c: justiceisdue October 22 2011, 17:46:42 UTC
[Try and resonate? After all they'd just been through, Selendis isn't even certain she can do that anymore. The thought of trying to resonate with a new weapon is almost exhausting in and of itself. After the description of his abilities, though, she knows she has to try.]

No. We will heal Karkat first.

[Breaking away from Karkat, she holds out her hand to Brock, not even caring that it's still bloody.]


yeah we're like Team Slowbie :D dungenessmaster October 22 2011, 18:57:00 UTC
[Karkat just slumps on the bed, hand pressed against the wound. The bleeding looks like it's already stopped, for the most part, and now it's just a question of closing the wound and seeing if that eye can be restored.

he doesn't even protest Selendis's decision. he'd prefer for her to heal herself first, but he doesn't fight her.

he watches Brock with his good eye. he's never seen Weapons who weren't actually... weapons before.]


LULZ call_me_h0ney October 22 2011, 23:48:30 UTC
Brock was a little hesitant as he helped Selendis up. The blood didn't bother him now - after working in the clinic for the past three or so months, he was used to it. He hoped Selendis would be able to last through the resonation and healing. The quicker they got it done, the better for her.

"Okay," he said, not arguing with her. "It will probably sting a lot when it's sprayed on," he warned Karkat, before starting to concentrate on his weapon form.

A moment later, a plastic spray bottle filled with liquid was sitting on the floor next to Selendis.


holy sudden format change batman justiceisdue October 28 2011, 06:39:00 UTC
Selendis just stared at the bottle, before gingerly picking it up. There was no burning or shock, which meant they were at least compatible enough to resonate. If the resonation was a little fuzzy, that came from her end. She was tired and her injuries were finally starting to ache, but she was determined just the same.

It took her another moment to work out how Brock's weapon form was operated, figuring the trigger made it straight forward enough. Using her free hand she held the uninjured half of Karkat's face steady, and, hoping they were all ready, squeezed the trigger.


I wondered which we were going with :V dungenessmaster October 28 2011, 07:08:14 UTC
Pain didn't matter as much to trolls, and Karkat hardly even bothered to brace himself. Under normal circumstances he probably would have reacted to it with enough creative language to turn the bed blue, but as Selendis hit him with a faceful of Super Potion Brock, he just hissed and kept one hand hovered protectively over the wound. It definitely stung, enough to draw a hastily-wiped tear from his working eye, but the minor inconvenience turned out to be worth it. The deep wound started to knit itself slowly back together, and the mess that was Karkat's other eye was restored almost to its former glory.

Still with one hand held over the mess, Karkat squinted up at Selendis.

"Okay, that's enough. Your turn."


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