As frightening as it may sound, your post made me nostalgic for home. Days and memories of riding the subway to and from work, down to the village to hang out have just come flooding back.
The biggest thing that struck me was your comments on the strange and impersonal nature of New York. This is very true and I will never forget that when I first moved from New York and ended up in the mountains of North Carolina, I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. You get on the train and you isolate yourself.. you are in your own little world and are "on a mission" to get where you are going, in time, and with as few hassles as possible. Then you move into a town of less than 30,000 year round residents, half of them being college students, and suddenly everyone knows your name.
I felt like I was on a freaking episode of Cheers!
I used to tell my ex, when I would laugh about being recognized at the local restaurant where I worked... "Dude.. I'm from New York.. if someone recognizes you twice, duck 'cuz you might be about to get shot." Not entirely true.. but it does make one a bit paranoid when you come from such an insular and impersonal environment.
Course (puts on old lady voice) Back in MY day it was walkmans and paperback novels. HUGS Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
The biggest thing that struck me was your comments on the strange and impersonal nature of New York. This is very true and I will never forget that when I first moved from New York and ended up in the mountains of North Carolina, I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. You get on the train and you isolate yourself.. you are in your own little world and are "on a mission" to get where you are going, in time, and with as few hassles as possible. Then you move into a town of less than 30,000 year round residents, half of them being college students, and suddenly everyone knows your name.
I felt like I was on a freaking episode of Cheers!
I used to tell my ex, when I would laugh about being recognized at the local restaurant where I worked... "Dude.. I'm from New York.. if someone recognizes you twice, duck 'cuz you might be about to get shot." Not entirely true.. but it does make one a bit paranoid when you come from such an insular and impersonal environment.
Course (puts on old lady voice) Back in MY day it was walkmans and paperback novels. HUGS Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
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