Mar 24, 2007 19:09 getting to the point where i think theres some unknown force out to get was a bitch today..first i get elecrtacuted TWICE!!! cuz we had to change all the heat lamp lights to normal cuz its getting hotter out...the first time i was taking a light out and the bottum metal part detached from the glass of the light and the wires were exposed but it was dark in the dog house so i couldn't see...i moved my fingers up too high and shocked myself. it went all the way up my arm and for a few minutes my finger and hand where numb...the sec was when i had to turn the suerge pertecter back on...THE DAMN THING SHOKED ME AGAIN!!!!...then the power washer died and it was only a few weeks old....acctually that was a perk cuz then i didn't have to power wash...^.^....*sigh* and now all i can think about is Lloyd....DAMMIT!!! i can't force him too like me...and i can't hate him or shuuichi...he still likes her but he says he wouldn't go back with her if she asked....and lately she's been haveing probs with Gerry so Lloyd has been trying to cheer her up...and in a way im jelous...but i shouldn't be i mean she needs i guess i should just let things go there own corse and hope im in it somehow..