So, in less than a month I will be moving back to toronto. For the record: I am STILL not finished my thesis (it's getting really close, I swear) but I hope to be done by the first week in September or so...
I have had a really great summer in Windsor. I have met some really great people and have had the greatest time dancing at the bridge tavern, shopping and eating in detroit, making friends with ALL of the neighbourhood cats and hanging out with my roomates. Other highlights of the summer include: beer tent weekend in goderich, corriveau wedding weekend, all things the loop and curry avenue.
Daniel will be teaching again at St. Clair college this September, so he will be pretty busy. Come September, I plan on the following: getting a waitressing job, seeing toronto friends i haven't seen in ages, visiting oshawa more often and coming to windsor about once a month. All of these things combined with teachers college will make me one busy slut.
i am still trying to figure out how to share photos from beer tent weekend, so here's nothing: