A light in the dark

Mar 19, 2008 16:07

It seems like whenever I enter a new entry in my LJ, most of it are sad incidents than happy incidents...T___T maybe that's why I didnt really like to update because it was so de-moralising :s

Lady of luck has not been on my side since the beginning of this year till now...I have been going through alot of ups and downs, practically everyday...it has been depressing.

Sometimes you need someone to lend an ear but you just couldnt find or they didnt bother to touch on this topic, kept changing the subject. Even the one who listened to me the most, turned her back on me. It just hurts when you though friends are supposed to help each other out or listening to each other's sorrows or even seeking each other out when need help. However she rejected me, my offer to help, even to listen. T___T She said she already had a friend, helping her to get out of the slump.

However, in one of my darkest times, there was someone for me. She didnt do anything except lending an ear, which I was so greatly gratefully for it. She was also the one who told me to take things easy, some things just couldnt be forced.

Thank you so much, rling for being with me, when I was at my limits, my end. I hope next time I can be the light for you should you need help. (However, on the other hand, I hope that day will not come)

I think my next entry will be after I am back from my trip~in april~
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