Walking in the Rain~

Dec 09, 2007 14:29

Recently, I have been so superb BUSY that I don't even have time to catch enough sleep~~well..I know I have been saying this since when but is true T_T

A lot of projects coming in with only me and the boss, plus a new girl who's..err..not that "efficient", working on it and the promised 1/2 half bonus didn't arrive after all..so sad..plus the overload of works and low salary..I think is time for me to seek opportunities elsewhere.

Christmas is drawing near, and I tried to make an effort to meet up with friends who I have not seen for the past one year =.=III so most of the dates this month are fully booked. Busy yet broke T_T

Through this busy period, I tend to realise a lot of things have been gradually changing, a few to my expectation,which made me very elated but major to my disappointment. I have to admit I am a failure at human relationship and communication because of what I have been through from young till now, I tend to be very stubborn in certain way of my thinkings, as per compared to other people. This is me, for what had happened, makes me the person I am now, and despite hardship, I am glad who I am now.

However, some friends think that I am too stubborn, nagging or I don't understand when I replied to their problems that they asked me for advice. Maybe we know there is a gap between us now, a small gap but no one wants to fill up the gap, instead we tried to cover it, by ignoring it or pretending nothing had happened.

As we grow older,we tend to keep things as simple as possible, as peaceful as possible, to avoid any direct conflict with each other which I am doing it now, even I am not happy with it. haiz..

Well, no one can satisfy everyone in this world, so just take it or leave it, ignoring the problem and hope that it will never arise again.
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