Re: Old friends

Oct 04, 2007 10:21

Yesterday, met up with an old friend (very old friend),rling, she just came back from Japan.
Rling came back for holiday last february and she commented on our dressing and appearance, being too casual and well..couldnt remember what she had said but one thing for sure, it made me wonder how on earth can I wear that out.....=.=III
So, I was extremely happy that I had passed her expectations last night..heehee.. \(>0<)/
We just walked around, doing some window shopping and ended up having our dinner in delifrance and, strangely, it was playing those songs that we were so crazied about, back to our secondary school days..(lll)
it did bring back those feelings and memories. =D

It was fun last night, I really do enjoy meeting up with old friends, very old friends. It really makes me wonder and happy that our friendship still exists, appearance not much change but our thinking had changed, yet we are still in contacts. =D
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