(no subject)

Sep 14, 2007 09:12

Finally have time to slot in an entry..I had been very tired since last week, running around, bringing my parents to the hospital for checkup and other follow-ups. In addition, due to the drastic change in the weather recently, I was feeling feverish. Haiz..

Last tuesday, I had a conflict with my colleague, a heated arguement that made the boss stepped in to resolve it..on the surface.My boss and I had a 3-hours plus talk, regarding this but dont get it wrong, he was not reprimanding me, instead he was trying to solve the conflicts that long existed between me and this colleague. Yesterday, I had lunch with my colleagues, I guess everyone was trying to "amend" the broken relationship. Fortunately, the lunch event turned out to be great. =D

Despite so many unhappy things happened last week, I am waiting for the Bleach Portrait Cards Part 4 to arrive..heehee..I hope I am able to complete the whole set. {{0(>.<)o}}

I hope I will be able to upload the pictures at LJ but I dont know how to do that :S maybe I will ask around my friends again~~~

tired, bleach protrait cards

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