What are Friends?

Jun 02, 2007 19:55

I have always believe I need friends more than a boyfriend, most of the times and I do now.

Everyone has been saying, whatever you give, you shouldnt ask for the same returns but sometimes obviously there are those who have been taking advantage of this word "Friends" and kept taking instead of giving. I feel "used".

I know not to mind little things but is always these little gestures that show the value of you in that person heart. Haizz..

Now, for the partially good news, Lady boss announced that there will be an office trip to Perth or korean, the destination not fix yet but I am already feeling excited about it. \(>0<)/

However, the sad part is, due to some family problem, I may NOT be able to go...haiz...

Well, now cannot do much, just have to pray~~~

P.S. Tomorrow will be going to get my "first" digital camera~~YEAH!!
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