(no subject)

Feb 19, 2007 21:53

Seriously, I just cracked open a bitter for Dad and I--they taste amazing. 10 days of bottle-conditioning, 9 days in primary fermentation, a week and a half in secondary fermentation, and that was it. It was especially nice that they taste so good, since I've come to grips with how awful the stout came out. Because of all the yeast that (apparently) was in suspension when I bottled, all of it tastes cloyingly sweet and yeasty. Everyone else says that they like it, but I feel like I can't even taste the beer--all I taste is yeast. But now I don't feel so bad about giving some away; I have something like a full case left, maybe a little more. I'm going to hang onto a 6er and just let it sit for a while, see what happens to it. But I'm super-happy with this bitter, I just wish I had more of it, since I know it'll go really fast. It's smooth, mild, but just enough complexity to be interesting. Bitter enough that you know you're not drinking a mild, but nice and malty so it's not hard to drink. Definitely a great session beer, I can't wait to make more.
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