I live! In a perpetual state of slight meltiness, though. Ugh it's hot. Anyway, working on the backlog. I don't know yet if the stuff from Fanime fits here, this being a Japan blog and all... I guess I'll figure that out when I get there. Anyway, here's
Monday we went back to Harajuku ^_^ I saw Rainbow Dude! He re-dyed his hair, and was handing out fliers at the top of Takeshita Doori. Apparently his stage name is Maria, and he’s the only one who can sing the “God Song” You want to go to his live too, right? XD
Then we spent 10 hours train hopping our way back to Kyoto Don’t ask me how many trains or how to do it, because I don’t remember. And narg, why can you not eat on the train in the Kantou region?! There weren’t any long pauses for trains around lunch time, so we didn’t get to eat until brillig (tea time).
But we did find Kanda! He’s Essie’s favorite character from D. Gray Man, and also a place in Tokyo. Wait, I think this was actually from Sunday… Yep, Sunday after the concert. Oh well X3